
Monday, June 16, 2003

Jirishanca (6.126 m) - Cordillera Huayhuash

Bergsteiger vermutlich von Lawine erfasst

Salzburger und Steirer in den Anden vermisst

Salzburgerin mit Boot im Amazonasgebiet gekentert

Leiche von Bridget Riedl gefunden

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Anton Lukesch

Grazer Indianerforscher starb in Peru

Indianersammlung Lukesch

weblogging by scientists

For better understanding of the value of weblogging by scientists read

Personal knowledge publishing and its uses in research

Sébastien Paquet
Université de Montréal

sebs k-log
Seb's Open Research
Pointers and thoughts on the evolution of knowledge sharing
and scholarly communication, collected by Sébastien Paquet

The Blogger:

Weblogs by Richard H. Huber:

Weblogs on polar research:

Polar Blog


Weblog on jet streams:

Jet Stream

Weblog on alpine glaciers:

Gletscher (german)

Weblog on earth observation:

Earth Observation

Weblog on the sea:

The Sea



Weblogs on The World of Mountains:


ali-lanti.blogspot.com (german)

anden.blogspot.com (german)

thealps.blogspot.com (german)

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